Pa*** ***ga
Excelente detalle y la escala perfecta
Ma**** ***er
He really needs a 2mm upscaling. He is hard to paint and the small daggers on the hammerhead break to fast and dont look good on him.
Ma**** ***er
Easy to paint. Perfect fit to Heroquest.
Ma**** ***er
Too big for Heroquest. Needs too much place because of her cape. a lot of mistakes in my print but i managed to clear her out. overall a greeat mini.
Ma**** ***er
absolutely perfect for heroquest and selfmade dungeons.
Palanca x2 1 Año  hace
Ma**** ***er
toooo tall for heroquest. dont recommend him.
Pa*** ***ga
Trampa de cuchilla x2 8 Meses  hace
Pa** ****er
I purchased this to give my Hero Quest family more of a challenge in the form of a "mini-boss" Ogre-Orc hybrid. With that in mind, this is an excellent sculpt for that purpose. Scale wise - it stands about as tall as an original "Abomination" and looks almost as heavy and appears about 50% bigger than the standard Hero Quest Orc sculpt size with a 32mm base. This is exactly what I was looking for.

In terms of detail this sculpt is excellent and exceptionally easy to paint.
Big Orc Ogrork
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Pa** ****er
This is a superb little sculpt. Perfect scale and style for modern Hero Quest. I'll be using him as a special goblin type that likes to stab those pesky heroes in the back whilst they're fighting other monsters.
Detail is very good. Painting is fairly easy. I have nothing to criticise on this.
Goblin Stabber HeroQuest
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